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this is my blog, will update from time to time (if i dont forget), time format is MM/DD/YYYY.
not to mention time zone is bst.

enjoy i guess.

01/16/2024 19:20

TW: transphobia

hey everyone just wanna update that im currently getting harassed by irls!!
isn't that awesome?
for context, some one who im not friends with anymore lurked through
my osu profile and found this site right here!! then he visited my
pronouns.page (which i removed) and called me out on it.

nothing happened for like a few weeks until some dickhead came up
to me in real life (at school jsyk) and harassed me for being trans
he kept spreading rumors about it, but not that much for some reason
it was easy to disprove it as that guy making it up as a hoax
but some people still agreed with that dick ;(

things went silent again, months passed, we are now in the new year
and the same guy who spread the rumors was being annoying as fuck
in my english class. (this took place friday last week!!)
i tell him to shut the fuck up and then he spazzes out and yells
that i have a website that says my pronouns and the whole class
just confused by what this dude is yapping about.
or so i thought.

now, fast forward to this week, and people in my class start
questioning my gender, harassing me, it all went to hell.
i was able to get some people to believe me by saying they
have no proof of me being trans whatsoever, which, the motherfucker
did not have. and i consider myself lucky. because i lack the ability
to speak up more against that fact, people just dont want to listen
to me anymore, and they just want to make my friends distance away
from me. which thankfully hasnt happened.

with that said, im not sure whether i should change schools right
now without having to let my parents know im trans. its a literal
nightmare caused by my very dumb way of covering personal things up.

i have shut down two of my old and new discord servers to prevent
anyone harassing me on there. one thing i need to do is a username change.
i can't use P1tus anymore. im forced to start new.

if some dick from my school who harassed me is reading this
i wish you a spot in hell, take the nearest 30ft drop.

if you are caring enough, please i beg of you to try to cheer me
up in these unfortunate times. reach out to me through twitter
or discord, and send me positive messages. i dont feel very
confident in life and i need support. thanks.

with that said, i thank you for reading. please support your lgbtq+ friends.
you never know if they need it or not.

01/15/2023 22:10

hey apologies for the late transmission but
its my birthday!!
i am now officially 16!!!
oh wait


im losing myself i can feel it
im becoming a major :cold_sweat:
happy birth of the day to me ig
bday tweet

01/04/2023 09:08

hello everyone!
happy new year, i have been busy with a lot of things recently.
mainly consisting of schoolwork and procrastination :P
but this year i have a LOT of stuff planned, this includes stuff like:
- optimising my music taste
- making gamedev projects
- working on my music debut!!
- start to (partially) come back to youtube
- get good grades
- break free of laziness
- have good mentality
- enhance my artistic abilities
- get better at playing drums
- and have better appearance

i have written explanations on my twitter pinned page!
so far in january, i felt very productive, got a lot of stuff done:
- math homework
- music assignment (almost done)
- art project (good progress)

i will update more as this year goes on but so far,
i think i got some good progress at the start of the year.
and i am really hoping it goes well :D

with that said, happy new year. and thanks for reading. :3

08/19/2023 18:38

i just made a spacehey account!
its like myspace but revived and i think you should all try it out!
you can add me on there by clicking here or going to my links page!
looking forward to seeing some of you there!!

11/06/2023 18:01 IMPORTANT. PLEASE READ.

you may have noticed that there have been some site changes, most notably the domain name, and the name change.
this was to prevent people at school trying to find my identity, which has happened recently :/
i will be changing the security of my socials, to prevent idiots and bullies at school from trying to find it again.

to the mf who took screenshots and showed it to your "friends" go fuck yourself
if you're here and want to expose me again then made say it to my face, pussy.

i might be locking up the @p1tus account or the personal one just to be sure of any lurkers.

with that said, im probably gonna be keeping a low profile or just shutting down this site in particular.
worst case scenario, i might even wipe my whole online existence just keep those people away.

06/02/2023 15:22

just came out as trans today!! was really nervous about all of this but im finally
happy about who i am!! happy pride month everyone!! <3
here is the link to my tweet of coming out!

05/13/2023 14:06

really wish i could do game dev rn but i dont have time to learn stuff arghhh :(
who knows if there will ever be a game engine that's very easy to use and make actual good game with
i have currently settled with gamemaker studio 2 atm but overall its ok so far i just have to learn
some stuff like getting around the engine more easier, and getting a postive mindset and good workflow.
you can tell me what you think by replying to this tweet.
i really apologise for not updating here much because twitter has been more easier to use rather than
going to my website and posting update by updating the code.
i have probably been thinking of using tumblr but im going to be real no one really uses that anymore XD
so i guess ill be switching back and forth from twitter to here idk, ill get used to it hopefully.
thanks for reading if you actually took the time, wanna do more update things like this.
have a good day <3

03/19/2023 18:10

havent updated this site in like two weeks lmao
news flash: im sick.
my voice dont wanna workey
i love life

03/01/2023 11:11

im bored as shit in school
now i gawt music aaaa

02/28/2023 08:39

update on the math situation
i somehow did not get a detention from that situation
anyway i will now be working on a misc page,
for other stuff unrelated to my life or my website,
so be sure to look forward to that! :D

02/27/2023 13:05

hello again everyone
i have been thinking of adding comments to my blog
well guess what :D
the funny thing is i have no clue how to make a secure account system :DDD
so i found out that i cant code in javascript for shit like this :(
i have also been thinking that i should use this blog for life updates
and not serious stuff, that should be going on my private twitter acc
so for all silly stuff and goofs, ill be putting stuff on here :D
so yea just a little update to how i would document stuff in my life so far
alr i got science class next cyaa :3

02/27/2023 10:55

hello internet people
i may have been put on a watchlist by my math teacher
do not try to tell your friend you are going to skin them alive in class
worst mistake of my life

02/26/2023 21:32

hello fellow lurkers of my site
i have been to the swimming pool and it was very fun :thumbsup:
cool thing i found out about neocities is that i can update you all on the go so thats cool :D
tommorrow i got school and i think its gonna be a good day
i hope
ill keep you all updated
in the meantime please observe this cool dancing cat for like 10 seconds and do what you were doing before

ooh yeah look at me go

02/25/2023 **:**

i love html ahaahhehaehaeha well i just got this website up!
say hello i guess
i hope you have a good day cos im also having a good day :thumbsup:

looks like you have reached the end :>